Advanced Powder Solutions (APS) specializes in transforming challenges into triumphs through creative drying and mixing solutions. This case study explores their journey, where a seemingly simple task – creating brown sugar – led to a valuable discovery.

APS was approached by a client seeking to develop a method for coating sugar crystals with flavor extract. They wanted to use a single machine for drying, extracting, and coating. The first part of the experiment was very successful. By utilizing their advanced drying technology, the spent beans were gently dehydrated, removing the remaining solvent and concentrating the trapped flavor components. The dried beans were then reintroduced to a fresh ethanol-water solution, allowing for the extraction of the additional flavor. Initially, our client was able to extract only 50-60 percent, but with the help of Advanced Powder Solutions, and GEMCO dryer, up to 90 percent.
For coating, APS explored various techniques, but the complex spraying process proved ineffective, leading to a sticky mess.
The Aha Moment
The future project helped them to find a solution – creating brown sugar by coating it with molasses. This seemingly straightforward task held the key to overcoming the challenges they faced earlier. APS realized the complexity of the spraying process might be hindering success. They proposed a simpler approach – directly “pouring” the flavor extract onto the sugar crystals within GEMCO’s tumble mixing system.
While the initial project with the flavor extract wasn’t a direct success story, this newfound insight paved the way for a breakthrough with another client. They desired a method for creating brown sugar by applying molasses to sugar crystals. Here, the “pouring” approach shone!
By simply adding cold molasses to sugar crystals within the dryer and using gentle mixing and drying technology, APS achieved perfectly homogenous and flavorful brown sugar. This approach:
- Simplified the process: Eliminated the need for complex spraying equipment.
- Enhanced efficiency: Streamlined the process and minimized waste.
- Delivered consistent results: Guaranteed uniform coating and consistent flavor throughout the brown sugar.
Beyond the Technique
This project highlights the importance of learning from seemingly unrelated experiences. Sometimes, the simplest solutions hold the most significant potential.
APS is committed to continuous learning and fostering collaborative partnerships. They believe every challenge presents an opportunity to innovate and adapt.